Annapurna Interactive recently released Telling Lies, an investigative thriller video game that delves into private conversations of four individuals. At the beginning of the game, the lives of the four are a complete mystery, yet by the end, players will have uncovered a bed of lies and will know the intimate details of the characters’ lives.
As I sat down to write this article 4 years ago, I initially wrote it with the unique goal of making people discover the band Catfish & The Bottlemen (CATB) in an attempt to shine some light on indie rock’s latest successful band. As I finally brought myself to finish this article 4 years later,
Chewing Gum might be the cringiest yet funniest British sitcom that has ever been produced in the 2000s. There, I said it. Parts of it can be revolting to some audiences, but I for one thoroughly love it. What’s even better is that the badass Michaela Cole did everything for this show: produced, directed, script-wrote, sang
On March 3, 2017, the movie Logan hit the big screen. It follows the classic Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) as he continues to live in the X-Men world, but in this spin-off, Logan is keeping a low profile while caring for a dying Professor X. Despite how much he tries to remain unaffected, Logan’s plans change when he meets a