
The First Fall

August 13, 20171 min read

Do you remember the first time you fell for someone? How everything seemed endless? Fast paced? Just a simple rush that you never wanted to end but also slow, confusing and scary. Filled you up inside with giddiness and happiness but making you overreact and analyze everything.

Incredibly contradictory.

Not even the endless possibilities that the whole galaxy displays for us could contain enough options or ways for me to express how much you truly mean to me.
It’s all you do to me.
Leave me speechless.
But holy.You blessed me.
Your existence is my religion.
And if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be a believer.
Not one of affection at least.
You make me go weak in the knees, you’re my instability.
But you keep me sane.
You make me feel vulnerable, helpless.
But you get me going anyway.

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Belén Villalobos

nineteen years old from ba. usually overly caffeinated writing short stories about people she sees on trains.

Tagged In:#poem, #poetry,