
The History Nerd’s Guide to Netflix

June 9, 20174 min read

Netflix is an amazing place filled with hundreds of movies and TV shows that appeal to almost everyone. With such a wide array of content available, there is something out there that is perfect for everyone and since most of us are on summer vacation, this is a good time for us to dive into our Netflix playlist. As a huge fan of historical fiction, Netflix is just where I go to find my latest fix on historical drama and whether you’re a history nerd like me or just enjoy a good story here are a few of my favorite historical dramas that everyone should be watching.

The Tudors

This show takes place in Tudor England during the reign of King Henry VIII. Spanning four seasons the shows takes us through his rule of England, exploring events such as the Protestant Reformation as well as Henry’s six, short, sometimes bloody marriages. Although the show took many creative liberties during the show, it is semi accurate to events in actual history. Filled with romance, scandals and some sword plays the show is super entertaining and a must watch for everyone.


Another monarchy based show, this one follows Mary Queen of Scots as she lives in the French court in 1557 as she is going to be married to Prince Francis- heir to the French throne. Although this show is more fiction than the fact it has all the makings of a great show. Filled with murder, romance, betrayals, and deceptions this show will leave you hooked. With the first three seasons already on Netflix, you can have plenty of time to catch up on the show as the series finale airs next week and season four arrives soon.

The Last Kingdom

Unlike the past two shows, The last kingdom has a very different tone than the previous two shows. Taking place in 9th century England back when it was divided into multiple kingdoms and was being attacked by the Vikings, we follow our character (Uhtred) as he embarks on his quest to hold onto the land that was his birthright as well as uniting the fractured kingdoms into one. Of all the shows so far this one is less of a historical romance and more just historical. Although this show is a lot more informational there are plenty of action and battle scenes to keep you entertained.

Marco Polo

This last show here, for a nice change of pace, does not take place in England but instead in Mongol-controlled Asia. The series is very loosely based on the accounts of the Italian traveler Marco Polo, during his time in China during the reign of Kublai Khan. Although this show was very short-lived, with only two seasons before it was canceled on Netflix, the premise of the show is great as it’s filled with court intrigue with a hint of romance and is well worth the watch.  

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Ikram Ali

An 18-year-old book nerd who is addicted to coffee and large fantasy novels. Currently disheartened with the state of the world but determined to make it right. She is the TV editor for Arts + Culture and you can make inquiries at ikramwrites@gmail.com
