Now Reading: The Real Question Now Is: Where’s Michael? A Review of “Supernatural” Season 14 Episode 3


The Real Question Now Is: Where’s Michael? A Review of “Supernatural” Season 14 Episode 3

October 27, 20187 min read

Editor’s Note: This article contains spoilers from Supernatural’s Season 14 Episode 3.

Unlike the previous episodes, this episode started off light. With Dean making fun of Sam’s beard and reuniting with Castiel and Jack. Yes, the original Dean, the Dean we all know and love is really back. Also in the previous episodes, we see Bobby, Mary, and Nick but in this episode their presence was absent. Dean was acting strange and when he went back to his room, he discovered a mark on his upper arm, or more like a wound. He asked Castiel to get inside his head and he saw flashbacks of Michael and a hooded figure who left the mark and also the reason behind Michael’s departure. The boys asked the beloved Sheriff Jody Mills (Kim Rhodes) for help and they got a case that included headless victims with the same mark like Dean’s.

Again, Jack wanted to join but wasn’t allowed to. Castiel was supposed to join the Winchester brothers but was held back by a surviving victim of a witch from one of the refugees’ case. Jack, being pissed off, wanted to run away but stayed when he saw the witch’s victim and decided to help. Meanwhile, the brothers leave to meet Jody, search for the hooded figure and soon discovered that the figure was Kaia Nieves (Yadira Guevara-Prip), who died in season 13 when she was running form Michael’s vampires that turned out to be the headless victims. The boys and Jody also found out that she wasn’t Kaia but her doppelganger from The Bad Place. Back to the bunker, Castiel was still trying to help the witch’s victim by doing a spell but it failed and she died. Jack was so pissed off at himself for not being able to help her but yet he pulled some strings of what caused her death and brought her back alive soon near the end of the episode.

Dean’s true motive of being so eager to find Dark Kaia was revealed: it was to get the spear that Dark Kaia used to hurt Michael as it is the only weapon that can possibly kill Michael. Vampires that Michael sent were still coming after Dark Kaia and ambushed them. She did help but still not giving Dean her spear because she knew his true motive. She then left alongside with her spear. Dean finally opened up to Sam about everything that happened when he was possessed by Michael and stated that he wants to kill Michael. This episode ended with the boys riding back to the bunker and Jack coughing up lots of blood.

Unfortunately, I will rate this episode as a 6/10. Don’t get me wrong, this episode was great and what made it great was the return of our beloved Sheriff Jody Mills and the mysterious doppelganger of Kaia Nieves but I wasn’t impressed with what they did to Michael. As much as I hate saying this, I like Michael when he was possessing Dean’s body as it gave a great tension to the story. I am happy that our Dean finally returns because didn’t we all miss him? But Michael’s sudden departure from Dean’s body feels so much like season 9’s Deanmon- they disappear too fast! I honestly enjoyed the version of Dean in the first two episodes and I really wish they’ll bring out Michael soon. I bet they will do it, of course, but maybe with Michael possessing a different person. I really do hope that he returns to Dean’s body though, no matter how evil I might sound.

Also, what gave it away was the ending. It wasn’t surprising enough. The ending of Episode 2 was the best so far and the difference between the ending of the second episode and the ending of this one was that unfortunately this week’s was very visible. The previous episode’s ending left me with my jaw wide open but this one just left me with a shrug and a slight disappointment. The tension level was low and the cliffhanger wasn’t really surprising. It did end with Dean’s heart-breaking confession and his fierce will to kill Michael but how it ended with Jack coughing up blood was too plain because I had already guessed that when he said to Cas that he was fine.

Aside from those fails, I really love Dean and Dark Kaia’s tension when he interrogated her and when Kaia said that Dean was no different than Michael. Misha Collins also delivered the “dad” side of Castiel impressively and the heart-to-heart scene with Jack was extremely adorable. I was also incredibly happy to see Jody again and the last scene of Sam and Dean was very heart-breaking and relatable in a way. Overall, this episode had a light feeling into it but still had some scenes that put you on the edge of your seat. Anyway, I believe that they will do amazing again in the upcoming episodes.

Speaking of upcoming episodes, Episode 4 is called “Mint Condition” and directed by Amyn Kaderali. The title seems interesting to me and well, let’s just see how it’ll turn out next week. Make sure you stay updated by keeping an eye on Supernatural’s Instagram and Twitter.

Featured Image Via The CW official website

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Rosiana Putri Muliandari

I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. I have been writing since, more or less, I was in sixth grade. I take interest in writing fantasy stories, reviews and anything related to mental health. You can reach me on Instagram: @rosianamuliandari or by e-mail:

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