Now Reading: ‘TwinsFromRussia’, Kirill and Filipp Revega, Talk Moving, YouTube and Hollywood


‘TwinsFromRussia’, Kirill and Filipp Revega, Talk Moving, YouTube and Hollywood

September 9, 201911 min read

Twins Kirill and Filipp Revega have sacrificed a lot for their dream. Hailing from Russia, the brothers came to LA two years ago without a concrete plan or even friends to depend on. Determined to pursue their love of music and entertainment, they continued to persevere and now are working as YouTubers, actors and musicians. 

I sat down the twins to learn more about their bravery and dreams.

Ariel Zedric: Tell me about your decision to move from Russia to LA!

Kirill and Filipp Revega: After we finished high school in Russia, we went to university. Our father wanted us to study something real; he wanted us to get an engineering degree so afterward, we could get a normal job and have stable lives. We did follow his suggestion and started studying machine building, but we were always into social media, YouTube and entertainment in general. In our free time, we recorded some funny videos, skits and other creative stuff. We were also building our interest in modeling & acting.

After our second year of university, we went to the USA for a summer as part of an exchange program called ‘Work and Travel’. We went there for 4 months but had to come back to Russia to continue our education. We enjoyed the United States so much, and after our 3rd year at the University, we did the same program. On our way back home we visited Los Angeles and fell in love with this city. We understood how many opportunities we would have had if we stayed here, but we still had to go back to Russia to finish our education.

After getting our bachelor’s degrees in engineering, we knew that our main interests were still social media, entertainment, acting, modeling and music. That made us want to come back to Los Angeles in April 2017 to start professionally working on our acting careers.

Courtesy of Kirill and Filipp Revega

Have you ever doubted your choice to move to LA? 

In our two years being in Los Angeles, we have not had any single thought about moving back to Russia. We set our goals, and we work towards them every day. We know that right now we are in the right place. We miss our home a little, but we go back from time to time for short term visits.

Do you consider LA home now? 

We were born and spend most of our life in Russia so we love our country, but we also love Los Angeles. We love the people here and the opportunities! It’s hard to call Los Angeles home right now because we’ve only been here for 2 years, but we totally consider Los Angeles our second home.

What are some of the obstacles you’ve encountered in Hollywood thus far? How have they molded you both? 

The main obstacle for us was moving from a really small city in Russia to a huge city like Los Angeles. We had never lived in a big city like Los Angeles before so it was a big step for us. On top of that we were scared to make this move because we didn’t know a single person in this town. But we had each other for support, so we were motivated to work hard and not give up. After two years living in Los Angeles, we’ve adapted to a different lifestyle.

Courtesy of Kirill and Filipp Revega


How do you separate between being siblings and business partners/bandmates? 

No matter what we do, what project we’re involved in, we always remain brothers. There is absolutely no competition between us. Brotherhood always comes first. We separate the things we are responsible for. For example, Kirill mostly focuses on our acting related questions, while Filipp deals with questions about music. But once again – we always communicate and make final decisions as a duo.


Speaking of being bandmates, tell me about the inspiration behind your single, “Lady Fake Love”

We write our music based on experiences we are going through or we have had in the past. Before we wrote our single “Lady Fake Love” we both (at different times) got out of relationships and we wanted to express ourselves in this song. We write our songs in our native language, this is just the way we see our creation right now, but we might start writing in English later. “Lady Fake Love” is basically about unrequited love and emotions that we have when leaving our loved ones.


Tell me about your YouTube channel and the type of videos you post! 

Our YouTube channel consists of very different content. Sometimes we post travel vlogs, different dances, challenges, etc, but recently we’ve mostly focused on pranks and funny skits with influencers and other creatives. We are still trying to understand what is the main content of our channel and what our audience is most interested in. Personally, we like trying new things, we love to share our “unlimited” energy with others and make people smile and laugh.


How do you balance YouTube, making music, and your personal lives? What do you do for fun? 

Honestly, it gets complicated keeping everything together and keeping up with all our hobbies and interests at the same time. Throughout the week we’re mostly busy with acting projects and on the weekends we either do music or go out with our friends to record some social media content. At this point in our career, we have to set our personal lives aside since our schedule is completely busy. We barely have free time to simply go somewhere to “have fun”. 


Do you have any upcoming projects that you want fans to know about? 

The second part of 2019 is going to be filled with different & interesting stuff. We are planning to release 4 or 5 new songs this year and we’re also doing a couple of projects with some well-known influencers from the US. We would love to keep it a secret who exactly it is going to be just to make it more fun & surprising for our audience. But believe us, it is going to be fun!

As far as our acting, we are really excited for our first pilot to be out later this year. It is going to be called “Love Not Likes”. Hopefully it will be picked by one of the Major Networks so we can come back on set and shoot the rest of the episodes. Unfortunately, we can not reveal some of our acting projects because we signed “ NDA’s” but once they are out we will be sharing news on our social media pages. 


Do you have any advice for aspiring artists in the field? 

To all other artists and creative people in the entertainment industry who are on the same path, we wanted to say that the only way to achieve all of our goals is to keep trying. Sometimes it is hard to get out of our comfort zones, but at the end of the day, it is so much fun to see ourselves doing something that you could not even think about before.

We’ve had this experience when we were sitting in our small city in Russia scared to make a move, we were not ready to go to a different country to pursue our career but we faced our fears and decided to give it a try.

Life absolutely has no limits and each and every one of us can achieve everything we want! We wish everybody to believe in yourselves and dream big!

Courtesy of Kirill and Filipp Revega


Follow Kirill and Filipp Revega on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube


Feature image courtesy of Kirill and Filipp Revega

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Ariel Zedric

Ariel Zedric is a student at Tufts University. When she's not studying, you can find her wandering around on her blog at Contact via email at or on Twitter or Instagram @arielzedric
