
Archive for April, 2017

  • April 6, 2017By Brittany Adames

    Following the election, I found myself nestling most of my ire and emotions into my chest. I didn’t write much about it, particularly in poetry, mostly because I didn’t want to be met with the harsh revelation of the country’s given state. Now, a few months later, I found myself combing through what was truly needing to claw out of

  • April 6, 2017By Rachel Martin

    During my trip to Tucson, Arizona in February, I got a glimpse into the beautiful culture of Native Americans as well as the picturesque landscape of the Sonora Desert. I came to visit my grandfather, who fell in love with the city of Tucson and has been living there for decades. Being from Michigan, everything

  • April 6, 2017By Alanna Medeiros

    I write this poem in a poetry class I took in university recently. My professor and many students were overcome with grief about the mosque shooting in Quebec City that took the lives of six men in January of 2017. My professor, a poet herself, assigned us homework for the week: to write a poem,

  • April 6, 2017By emily kinney

    Photos and story by Emily Kinney When you’ve lived in the same place all of your life, you discover the hidden gems among the large, shiny tourist attractions most go to. Many people think of Colorado as just the Rocky Mountains and Denver. There are always many sides to a place, and these are my

  • April 5, 2017By Gali Zaharchook-Williams

    David Bowie While most of you have heard of the legend and heard his music, some of you probably didn’t know he is a queer Icon. Bowie came out as gay in the 70s while married to his wife and then came out again as bi in the early 80s. He was one of the

  • April 5, 2017By Kaitlyn Bowling

    I wrote this poem for a spoken word project for my Performing Arts class. I had been searching for inspiration, and I finally found it in the song “Saturn” by Sleeping At Last. This poem was originally meant to be spoken over the song, but I think it can be just as beautiful when read.

  • April 5, 2017By Glenda Umana

    Now I know not many people are total fans of your typical show tune and that is perfectly understandable. However, I’ve come across some tunes that might completely change your perspective on the whole musical theatre genre. 1. Dead Girl Walking – Heathers the Musical  This is a masterpiece. I’d highly suggest looking up some live

  • April 5, 2017By Denzel Eggerue

    As an artist, there always comes a time when you wish there was a space for you to just connect with like-minded people. Twitter is great for this, but it’s still missing that special something. Meet Circular, a London-based startup designed to connect creatives and artists; its primary purpose is for people to be able

  • April 5, 2017By Fleur Henley

    By now seeing superhero this and superhero that is common place when you switch on your TV. We barely bat an eye at the giant monsters rampaging – but have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes? How are normal people (us) coping in this terrifying world of daily death battles and explosions? Well, the TV

  • April 5, 2017By Raine C.

    If you take a look at my name, it should be easy for you to figure out why I took an interest in Coloured Raine. Having grown up with an uncommon name, I never had the opportunity to find keychains, Coke bottles or magnets with “Raine” on them. So, when I found out there was

  • April 5, 2017By Hannah Sanford

    In mythology, the tale of Psyche and Eros (who is more commonly known as cupid) is of the saddest. Psyche is taken by Eros to live in his beautiful mansion and is only allowed his company when the sun is carried away. In the dark, she is unable to see her lover, and after a

  • April 5, 2017By Perceives Linn

    John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is widely considered by many to be among the best writers in the English language. In The Lord of the Rings, His imagination, his depth, that wonderful way with words he as a philologist and teacher had: the 450,000-word magnum opus he spent a year creating has come to be regarded as one of
