Daphne Willis is a singer/songwriter that is taking the music industry by storm. Her heart-wrenching and emotional songs captivate her audience and truly reflect what she’s passionate about. Her most well-known song is called “Somebody’s Someone” and was written from her personal experience with mental health.
“Somebody’s Someone” was originally posted on Facebook and soon went viral with over 16M views. In response to all the people who reached out and shared their stories, Willis created a private Facebook group page for them to find support in one another.
Affinity: Could you tell a bit more about the inspiration for “Somebody’s Someone”?
Daphne: I wrote the song with Jenn Bostic. We have had similar experiences in our families with mental health related issues. I personally suffer from menatal health issues and know how isolating those experiences can leave you feeling. We wanted to write a song to remind people that they are not alone.
Affinity: What was the writing process like? With all the emotions you poured into the song, was it more difficult or relieving? How did it compare to the writing of your other songs?
Daphne: The actual writing of the song was very easy. Jenn and I have known each other for a long time, so we are comfortable going pretty deep with each other. I think the more difficult task was actually releasing the song. It’s a very vulnerable song you know? So really putting something that exposing out into the world was a scary thing for me. Not that I don’t feel like my other songs are personal, this song is just different; it’s a different side of myself I had yet to show my fans. I’m so glad I did it though. It has proven to be the best thing I have ever released; literally and figuratively speaking 😉
Affinity: There are so many mediums on which artists can express themselves nowadays, what prompted/inspired you to pursue music? (Why the personal affinity towards music?)
Daphne: I grew up in a musical household. Both of my parents went to UT Austin for music, so growing up with that outlet being a constant made it easy for me to gravitate there. I have always used music in therapeutic ways.
Affinity: Where can people find more of your work and what can they follow you on?
Daphne: You can find me on Spotify, iTunes, FB, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat. I also have a website, www.daphnewillis.com
Affinity: What can you tell us about your upcoming Freaks Like Me release?
Daphne: This is by far the most personal release I have ever put out. It’s exhilarating to get it out there and I couldn’t be more excited to share this part of myself with my fans.
Affinity: Do you have any advice for aspiring artists in the field, especially those undergoing their own tribulations?
Daphne: The more you write the better you get. Just keep writing and you’ll find your voice. Once you find your voice, it’s game on.
Be sure to pre-order Daphne’s album, Freaks Like Me! It will be released through Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, and Google Play on Friday, November 17th!

Daphne Willis; Dopamine; Pop Artist; Nashville; Songwriter; NAMI; Mental Health; PTSD; Somebody’s Someone