Now Reading: Disney Dropped “The Incredibles 2” Teaser Trailer and 2018 Cannot Come Any Sooner


Disney Dropped “The Incredibles 2” Teaser Trailer and 2018 Cannot Come Any Sooner

November 19, 20172 min read

Disney unveiled its trailer for the upcoming movie “Incredibles 2” on Nov. 18, and people are rightfully freaking out. The highly anticipated sequel will arrive 13 years after the first instillation of “The Incredibles” was released, and it is safe to say that the wait has created very eager fans from all ages.

“The Incredibles” followed the story of two married superheroes, Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl, forced to disguise their family as ordinary people after the government bans all superhero related activities. Their children, Dash and Violet, have trouble adjusting with their powers, and baby Jack-Jack seems to have dodged a bullet by having no powers. When vengeance-driven—but hilarious—villain Syndrome threatens the safety of their city, the family unites to save the day.

The Pixar movie created the iconic scene “Where’s My Supersuit?”, introduced the world to the queen of fashion (and vehement hater of capes) Edna Mode, and also left on a cliffhanger. And now, 13 years later, fans will finally be able to learn how the super family has fared since we last saw them.

In the teaser trailer for the sequel, not much time has seemed to pass as baby Jack-Jack (the star of the trailer) is still a baby. Mr. Incredible also finally discovers Jack-Jack’s super powers, which the rest of the world found out in the original movie when Jack-Jack attacked Syndrome without the knowledge of the rest of the family. Jack-Jack’s adorable-ness has not changed one bit in the last 13 years and it can only be assumes that his cute appearance and dangerous powers will be quite a combination.

Other than Mr. Incredible’s revelation, nothing else about the plot of the sequel is revealed in the trailer. Considering the fact that “Incredibles 2” is set to be released on June 15, 2018, Disney is probably going to be playing games with your emotions for the next two or three months by keeping the plot as hush-hush as possible. But we’ve waited this long, right?


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Meraf Amare

Meraf Amare is a sixteen year old girl from the Bay Area that hopes to educate and promote inclusivity and diversity through her writing.
