Now Reading: Jenna Paulette Talks Behind-the-Scenes of Music Video for ILYSM


Jenna Paulette Talks Behind-the-Scenes of Music Video for ILYSM

May 8, 20186 min read

Full of feel good vibes, musician Jenna Paulette’s “New West” music is catchy and addictive. Just in time for summer, Paulette dropped the music video for her latest single ILYSM, which can be watched here. Affinity is proud to give both a behind-the-scenes look at the fashion that went into creating the perfect music video, and an interview with the artist herself.

You just released the music video for ILYSM! How do you feel? Talk a little about the inspiration behind the song.

Hi! Yes, I feel so good thank you. I love how it turned out. It was inspired by my husband and all the things I was feeling right before we got married—like “ILYSM, babyyyy!

What was it like filming the music video? What was your favorite part?

I loved the gym scenes, I was digging my holographic body suit and cowboy hat combo… I just really felt good in my skin in those scenes!

You’ve often described your music as “the New West”, what inspired you to create a mix of both country and pop music?

I didn’t feel like I could leave out either side for the music to really be “me.” If something was too traditional my gut would be like, “no, that’s not it” and when I added the pop sounds to the traditional western visuals/sounds it became the music I could really get behind. I feel like music has to be genuine and different. The combination of things that make up “the New West” is what makes my music that.

How did your childhood shape who you are now as a musician? Did you always know you wanted to pursue music?

I grew up helping my grandfather on our ranch every chance I got, being around him and being there gave me this crazy admiration for the cowboy. That place and that man made me fall in love with country music and how it made me feel. That lead to how my music sounds today and what I represent as a person/artist. I always tell my mom that God really knew what he was doing to put me in the family I am in because it fed everything little thing I love—I got to live with my feet in two worlds…the city and the country.

What inspired your involvement in the Step Up organization? What sort of work do you do?

Oh man, I was looking for an organization to partner with early in my career because I want helping others to be a focus of mine from the very beginning. I fell in love with the fact that they help young girls figure out what they want to do with their lives and then equip them to do it. I had the privilege of having that kind of mentorship through my parents…not everyone has that luxury, so I want to be that for the ones that don’t.

Where can people find more of your work / what can they follow you on?

Yeaaaa! YouTube for more videos, Spotify follow Jenna Paulette, Instagram/Twitter: @JennaPaulette …Let’s be friends!!!

Are you working on any other exciting, forthcoming projects that you want your fans to know about?

I may or may not have a new single coming out early summer!

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? Would you give the same advice to other aspiring artists?

Don’t fear what people think about you, it’s crippling your performance. People love watching free people, confident people, settled people. Figure out whatever lie you are believing and delete it so you can be all you were made to be. And yes, I would say that to other aspiring artists.

How do you feel your story has panned out? Is there anything you would go back and change?

I am happy with it, although sometimes I get really antsy wanting everything to happen ASAP. I don’t think I would change it though—I think it helped me figure out who I really am and put that  into my music and I believe that is what will make me more successful in the long run.

Any last thoughts?

Nope, just thankful you took the time to read this and get to know me a little.

Cover Image Courtesy of Jenna Paulette

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Ariel Zedric

Ariel Zedric is a student at Tufts University. When she's not studying, you can find her wandering around on her blog at Contact via email at [email protected] or on Twitter or Instagram @arielzedric
