Now Reading: Recap of the Season 3 Premiere of ‘Rick and Morty’


Recap of the Season 3 Premiere of ‘Rick and Morty’

August 1, 20175 min read

Although the technical release date of the season 3 premiere of Adult Swim’s ‘Rick and Morty’ was July 30th, the show decided for April Fool’s 2017 to play the episode early. So this might be old news to those who saw the first airing of the episode, but to those who didn’t here’s everything that happened in the season 3 premiere.

Season 2 was left off with a cliff hanger, where Rick turned himself in and got locked up in Intergalactic Space Prison. In the beginning of the first episode of season 3, Rick is having a chat with a Gromflomite agent from the prison in a “Shoney’s,” which I think is a play on Denny’s, in an inception-like form, much like Episode #2 in season one, “Lawnmower Dog,” where we were introduced to fan-favorite Scary Terry. The Gromflomite goes into Rick’s mind to get information from him by hopping from memory to memory. In this series of dreams, we see Beth’s mom and what Rick was like before he invented the portal gun that a Rick from another dimension pushed him to do — maybe. Considering it is Rick, he tricks the Gromflomite into believing that’s the story of how he lost Beth’s mom and gives him fake instructions on how to make the portal gun, and says everything they just saw was a lie. Thus, we don’t know for sure if him creating the portal gun is what made him lose his wife and his family and made him into the mad scientist he is now.

In this world where Rick is in prison, the Galactic Federation has taken over Earth, and Jerry is finally thriving. He’s been promoted at a job he doesn’t know what he’s exactly doing six times in a week and is making a “six-chewable figure salary,” as in this world, everyone gets paid in and eats pills. Oh, the family also has a robot butler named Conroy. Summer, however, doesn’t stand for any of it and says Rick wouldn’t let this happen. She goes into the garage looking for something to help break Rick out of prison, in which Morty comes in and says why he shouldn’t be her hero or worth saving and says the only Rick that won’t let her down is the dead body of Rick that they buried in the backyard in season 1. Summer goes to unbury the body and finds a portal gun, which she uses to transport to the dimension where a “huger games Summer” lives with Beth and Jerry after Rick and Morty died in that dimension. The Citadel of Ricks sends agents to retrieve Summer and Morty after feral Jerry destroys their portal gun and takes them to the Citadel where they wait for Rick to arrive.

As everyone knew, Rick had an elaborate plan to break out of prison starting by taking over the body and mind of the Gromflomite agent and jumping from body to body and other Ricks, until finally he arrives and saves Summer and Morty and returns home, where Beth and Jerry ultimately decide to divorce after Beth chooses Rick over Jerry.

At the end of the season premiere, Rick goes on a rant about going 9 more seasons to find the thing that drives his purpose and his adventures — discontinued McDonald’s Mulan Szechuan Sauce.
The second episode of season 3 also aired following the premiere, in where a Mad Max type of dimension helps Summer and Morty deal with the realization that their parents are getting a divorce by odd means. Summer becomes rampant, killing everything she can, and marries someone from that dimension, and Morty becomes an area fighter with one huge arm.

Amidst all the crazy stuff happening throughout the first episode, there were many hidden objects in the episode that might’ve been overlooked, including alternate Summer and Mortys that resemble Gravity Falls characters.

This season was promised to be the “darkest year” of Rick and Morty’s adventures yet, and it seems to be off to a promising start.

Watch the first two episodes of season 3 on and tune into Rick and Morty Sunday’s @ 11:30 p.m. on Adult Swim.

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