Now Reading: Social Media & Teacher Guru Rubia Garcia Pushes For Law School After Heartfelt Encouragement From Followers


Social Media & Teacher Guru Rubia Garcia Pushes For Law School After Heartfelt Encouragement From Followers

February 8, 20183 min read

Louisiana native Rubia Garcia has gained thousands of followers through social media for her commentary regarding the importance of education, racial justice and equality of opportunity. But this isn’t the only reason she has received so much recognition worldwide. The teacher’s passionate plea to make the lives of others better, only fuels her fight for those who may not have a voice.

Teaching at predominantly black schools, Garcia has made it her lifelong mission to ensure the emotional and educational stability of her students. She’s carefully analyzed political backlashes and has continually discussed the struggles that her students face each day. Racism, socioeconomic issues and gang violence are just a few of the topics frequently talked about in her videos.

In 2016, she set-up a successful GoFundMe that was dedicated to her classroom and a huge portion of her students that live in the harshest parts of New Orleans, Louisiana. From school supplies, classroom necessities and academic materials, to sponsorships for student budgets and hygiene products, Garcia has earned a nomination for Teacher of the Year.

In an exclusive interview with YouTuber Walter Yeates, the passionate teacher discusses education in the United States, specifically in Charlottesville, Boston, etc.

Following a successful stride, Garcia shared with followers on Facebook an emotional video about  returning to school and hopefully running for political office later this year. She started a YouCaring to help her prepare for the long-haul journey. On her YouCaring page, she states:

“At one point in my life, I had a dream to become a civil rights attorney. Holding public office was never even a thought in my mind if I am going to be completely transparent. I felt drawn to the youth of my community and decided to become a social studies teacher instead. My public speaking came about as a direct result of my kids in the classroom. I began to see a world that I, nor my own children, would ever have to face.”

The aspiring teacher is running for political office in order to continue her civil advocacy. She is aiming to push the educational agenda that is absent in many areas of the country, especially in impoverished communities.

One of her most popular videos includes chiming in on the Black Lives Matter movement. It was received with extremely positive reactions and remains as one of her most viewed videos.

You can follow Garcia’s journey via social media by following her on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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Dannii Ceniceros

girl group advocate. latino. multi-instrumentalist. self-proclaimed Twitter-ologist @oscahhhhh.

Tagged In:#BLM, #education, #Teacher,
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