
Archive for August, 2017

  • August 22, 2017By Mikayla Connolly

    I’ll be honest: I really haven’t been keeping up with the entertainment world lately. I know that Freeform’s The Bold Type is promoting feminism and female writers in the very best ways. I know that Paramore just dropped an amazing album and that I’m seeing them on tour in just a few months. I know that Fifth

  • August 22, 2017By Lama Zaioor

    President Donald Trump has been in office for about 30 weeks now and most Americans, even those who claim not to be politically involved, can list more than a few controversial ways he has exercised his power as commander-in-chief. It is frustrating to watch mainstream news outlets speak so professionally of the unsophisticated and uncultured

  • August 22, 2017By Arushi Tandon

    I wrote this poem because as creatives, we all know what it’s like to get stuck in a rut and not know what to do next. This poem helps me snap out of it a lot of times and makes me feel at ease about my writer’s block. It also helps knowing I’m not the

  • August 22, 2017By Lin Li Oechsle

    Podcasts are essentially the “grown-up” equivalent of a parent telling you a bedtime story (Although, there are podcasts for that, too). There’s quite literally a podcast for everything. Serial killers, cooking, politics, comedy, Dungeons & Dragonsー what more would you want to hear people talk about? Regardless of your interests, these are some podcasts that

  • August 22, 2017By Marie Isabela

    Never Trust a Fox The clenching of Jackson’s heart and the tightening of his chest sent a painful ache up and down his core. Keep running, keep running, keep running, he told himself. With only the moonlight to guide him and the knives at his side to protect him, Jackson curved both vertical and horizontal

  • August 22, 2017By Jalen M. Brown

    As I continuously say, poetry is very subjective and interpreted differently from person to person. For some, this poem could be about the love a person has for their lover, and how the stillness of hot summer nights can feel like eternity when they’re next to them. For others, there could be another hidden message.

  • August 22, 2017By Lesedi Aphane

    Dear Mr Prime Minister Good day, I would like to share with you a story regarding the current and ongoing migrant crisis. Normally people spend their sixteenth birthdays applying for IDs or getting their learner’s license. For me, that was not the case. I spent my sixteenth birthday fleeing from a place I used to

  • August 22, 2017By Beth Haze

    Content warning for alcoholism. ethan felt devastated. he wasn’t even sure how the alcohol could help or why he accepted that cigarette when the drunken pass by lent him one, hell he didn’t know where the lighter came from. he also didn’t quite understand why the young looking bartender was asking him what was wrong but

  • August 22, 2017By Liss Castillo

    After a hefty eight years, Brand New has finally released their newest, and possibly last, album: Science Fiction. The follow-up to Daisy (2009) was released on Thursday, August 17th, 2017, and is currently available on multiple streaming platforms. Below is a look into Brand New’s latest masterpiece, Science Fiction 1. LIT ME UP The album

  • August 22, 2017By Esther Adebayo

    Completely changing your style is a bold yet challenging move to make, but if you have the right motives and you’re committed, then it could be a huge success for you! Here are some tips to help you on your new journey….  1. It’s all about You Remember, no one should tell you how to

  • August 22, 2017By Catalina M. Gorbitz

    TW: mentions of suicide, mental illness and drugs abuse. The news about Chris Cornell’s death three months ago shocked thousands of people, he had one of the most powerful and distinct voices in the industry and was overall an amazing artist with a power to connect to his audience yet, life works in mysterious ways and

  • August 22, 2017By Ricky Cruz

    Depression isn’t a joke, trend, aesthetic, fashion, or style. It’s a serious mental illness that must always be taken seriously. Teenagers often contemplating suicide tend to tell people around them how incredibly sad they and how they struggle with depression in a secret cry for help. Often, those people usually do not help them, listen
