I wrote this poem for all the people who are tired of finding themselves meeting tragic ends in relationships — not just romantic relationships, but friends and family too. In my opinion, when you have a relationship with someone that you really enjoy, there are only two outcomes: to stay in your life until death or leave before that happens. In life, we all take this chance on everyone we encounter, and some people are more dear to us than others. This poem is dedicated to those people. The people we get most attached to. The people whose leaving hurts us most. Although this poem is to those people, this poem is also for us. The people who don’t give up on humanity, who don’t mind taking the gamble every time. This poem is for the hopeless romantics who just can’t seem to learn their lesson. This poem is for us.
I drove the speed limit into the fog
that’s what this is like
calmly wandering into what i can’t see
you like to think
the road keeps on going on
but there’s always the possibility
that the road ends,
and you drive into an abyss
sounds silly,
I know.
as if driving into an abyss
is a common thing
but most of my fog covered roads
have an abyss at the end
most of my roads end
with me
sinking into an overwhelming darkness
that I have to claw my way out of
for some reason
no matter how many
fog covered roads I encounter
I still get in this car,
and I still drive
until I reach another abyss..
waiting for the day that I don’t.