Now Reading: Star Wars is Doing a Great Job Representing Women On Their Posters


Star Wars is Doing a Great Job Representing Women On Their Posters

April 21, 20173 min read

Star Wars Celebration happened this past weekend, and it was amazing! If you don’t know what Star Wars celebration is, let me explain, Star Wars Celebration is basically a big comic-com held in Orlando, Florida that involves nothing but Star Wars. It’s a huge nerd party that Star Wars fan from everywhere come to meet the cast, make and see some awesome cosplays, learn about new movies, games, and comics being released, or meet other fans like themselves. All weekend new merch, books, games, comics, and other Star Wars things were announced. Like the 4th and final season of Star Wars rebels! There were two specific announcements that stood out to me.

Of course, the moment we have all been waiting for since December of 2015 finally came, a trailer and poster for Star Wars: The Last Jedi was released! Of course the trailer as everything i could hope for and more, but the poster is what really stood out to me:

Honestly, being the huge Star Wars nerd I am, almost cried when they released this poster during the panel. There is our fearless hero, Rey, standing front and center in a pose that just screams, “hardcore.” She has her lightsaber in hand, obviously ready for battle. She’s just standing there looking courageous and the best part, she’s not being sexualized at all. This isn’t the first time Star Wars has done that with their posters either/ The Rogue One poster had Jyn Erso right in the middle looking heroic, and The Force Awakens poster had Rey in the middle holding her staph against Kylo Ren’s lightsaber.

So not only is the Star Wars franchise turning a new leaf and having confident, daring women as their main characters, they’re treating them the way they should be. These strong female characters are being written and portrayed on the posters the way they should be. All the fans appreciate this, and it’s a great things for the kids watching these movies to see!

Keep up the good work Star Wars!

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Gracie Miller

18 year old gal who likes spending her time being a feminist killjoy, drinking tea, binge watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix, and reading books!
