Now Reading: Nicki Minaj Pays Student Expenses for 30+ Fans


Nicki Minaj Pays Student Expenses for 30+ Fans

May 7, 20173 min read

On the night of May 6, 2017, famous rapper Nicki Minaj took to Twitter and helped her fans with their student expenses.

It all started when an account that goes by the name @cjbydesign asked Nicki if she was willing to pay for their tuition in return for winning the #RegretInYourTears challenge to win either seeing Nicki Minaj perform live at the BBMAs, ‘hanging with [her] in the studio, or listen to unreleased music.

Soon after the initial tweet regarding tuition payment blew up on twitter (accumulating over 15k retweets and 26k likes), fans have begun to tweet Nicki Minaj’s account furiously, asking if she could pay for their student expenses as well.

Nicki Minaj promised her cash-strapped fans a donation towards their tuition fees and other student expenses if they achieve a 4.0 GPA, or straight As to be put simply. It shouldn’t be so difficult if you have THE Nicki Minaj as your firepower.

The rapper’s payment towards her fans’ student expenses was a separate regard to the prize for participating in the #RegretInYourTears challenge and it was conspicuous that she was genuinely willing to financially aid them with the money from her own pocket.

Nicki Minaj single-handedly helped 31 students over the course of one night. In contrast to Donald Trump abolishing the “Let Girls Learn!” program, Nicki graces struggling students with her fame, money, and resources to give them a rightful education.

The use of tweeting celebrities asking to pay for tuition has been a long-running joke on the Internet that is usually ignored by the celebrity tweeted, or the joke was drowned in the sea of a hefty amount of other tweets begging for the celebrity’s attention.

Famous celebrities indeed have accumulated large amounts of money at their disposal – granted that their fame is a result of their hard work, but their fans who consume their products are the ones paying for their salary and should definitely be treated like they owe it all to them, and not just ‘fans’ who unhealthily obsess over them.

Nicki Minaj amassed a net worth of $76 million in 2016 and it was her fans who blessed her with an 8 digit bank balance (not forgetting her creativity and hard work of course) and it seems as if she is the sole celebrity who doesn’t forget to give back, in ways that could actually help them – and not just through Meet and Greets.

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Charlize Alcaraz

Charlize is a high school sophomore who aspires to be a journalist in the near future. She currently writes for Affinity Magazine and mainly covers articles about politics and feminism.
