
Natural Beauty

August 7, 20171 min read

I wrote this poem after reading “Milk and Honey” for the first time. This is how I hope to feel at least most of the time about myself, my femininity, my body, though it is always a struggle. This is a sample of the weaponization of femininity.


I was born a natural beauty

With eyes full of lightening across the sea

Tiger stripes across my thighs

And a flower between my legs so sweet

It can make you beg


I was born a goddess

with words powerful enough to make rivers flow from mountain tops

with legs as thick as tree trunks

strong enough to hold down the world


I was born a woman

with strength in being soft

with love flowing in my veins

and arms warm enough to hold every child


I was born beautiful

and no one had the power to convince me otherwise

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Marlow Saucier

Marlow is a high school sophomore in New England and, among other things, they aspire to be a writer and activist. When NOT with their nose in a book, they can be found eating raw fish, crushing gender roles, making dad jokes, and practicing alternative Wicca. Their Instagram is @m.saucier where they can be easily reached.
