
Stanzas In New

October 4, 20172 min read

Untouched emotions and foreign places open my consciousness to be more aware of every slight change in my life. In transition to adulthood, with each unfamiliar experience I continue to live through, these are some of the layers I notice unfolding as time draws on—in brief stanzas. Writing my thoughts on paper has always helped me gain a sense of control.

Photo by Sergey Fediv on Unsplash.com

I begin to lose my balance
as my lungs strive to function naturally.
I sit down in attempt to steady my body and mind,
uneasy of the unknown ahead.
I pry open my eyes; my vision is blurred,
but my hope is clear.

Photo by Simon Hesthaven on Unsplash.com

Sometime after, I plant my feet.
Every action is more reassuring
than the one before. I see my growth
In those around me, and I feel secure
In my own art, in my own abilities.

Photo by Kate Tandy on Unsplash.com

The air I breathe now tastes serene.
Every feeling is endless.
My stream of consciousness is pure bliss.
I see myself, and them,
with ethereal eyesight.

Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash.com

I barely notice the ground falling beneath my feet.
The fear I once welcomed consumes me again.
All the good I cherished falls away as well.
Losing it, losing them, losing me,
Unwillingly, I learned the feeling of nothing.

Photo by Brady Cook on Unsplash.com

Turning back,
I laugh.
Lightheartedly, accepting
The inevitable unknown.

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Kellie Toyama

Kellie is a seventeen-year-old girl from Hawaii who adores all forms of modern art, and strives to better herself through education and open-mindedness.
