
All posts tagged in poem

  • June 26, 2017By Jalen M. Brown

    This prose poem is, quite plainly, about unrequited love. The speaker is someone that’s in love, and they realize that the person they’re in love with doesn’t truly appreciate them as much as they do, but they don’t really care. Even something as small as a glance is enough to refill the wistful hope that

  • June 24, 2017By Cody Dulis

    This is the final selection of the Pride Poems series. This is a poem about the color violet and what it represents. This is a poem about spirit and what it means and is. I feel as though this poem truly is a good note to end on.   What is spirit I know you

  • June 22, 2017By Meshall

    Through the years I’ve seen either my friends or people I know be in toxic relationships and pass that off as “love”. At times it’s difficult to see someone for who they truly are. You become blinded as to their shortcomings and compensate their behaviour as jealousy or passion. This poem is about the misconception

  • June 16, 2017By Mariah Flores

    This poem is for all the heartbroken lovers of the world. I was inspired by Harry Styles’ beautiful song Two Ghosts. Heartbreak, in every respect, can be a dark and confusing experience. In this poem, I capture the emotions of abandonment and lost love.   How can I live without you in my life? You were

  • June 14, 2017By Cody Dulis

    This is the second to last piece in the pride poems series. This poem is about serenity and peace and the struggle to find balance in life, whether it be in your own life, throughout a country, or throughout the world.   Separate the harmonies From the added melodies The beat is for longevity The

  • June 12, 2017By Jalen M. Brown

    I wrote this poem a week ago, particularly for the JuneFalls Poetry Challenge. The prompt was, as you can probably guess, “With Every Breath.” As I usually do when I write poetry, I don’t necessarily think of me, but I think of the many random characters that pollute my brain. Being a writer is exhausting

  • June 2, 2017By Cody Dulis

    This is the sixth installment in the Pride Poems series. This series is about the colors of the original pride flag and what each color represents. Thing poem is about art and what art is and means. True art is something to behold Everything is articulate no matter what you’re told Whether it’s a painting

  • June 1, 2017By Paola Fernandez

      To kickoff Pride Month 2017, I wrote a poem about girls loving girls. No matter what label someone chooses, it all relates to one thing: a girl falling in love with a girl. Girls are magical, something from another universe. Out of this world. The way they kiss and touch. The way they endure

  • May 30, 2017By Ariel Zedric

    20 minutes into our Calculus test and the kid behind me taps me on the shoulder. I know better than to think he’s flirting, he just wants help. “What’s the answer to number seven?” I want to tell him to figure it out himself. I want to explain to him that if he had paid

  • May 30, 2017By Emma Gabel

    I’ve held this feeling before–and even now–this deep mourning when all the world seems lost in this festive fantasy all around me. It often comes when death arrives on holiday mornings, when celebration lives on everywhere but your own home. Loss rarely comes just once, instead choosing to stretch out over weeks, maybe months. Thus,

  • May 29, 2017By Jalen M. Brown

    I originally wrote this poem for the MayFalls Poetry Challenge: Love and Lilies. After I finished, I quickly fell in love with it, and it’s easily become one of the best and favorites poems that I’ve ever written. Poetry, I believe, is meant to be interpreted differently for each person. Individual characters and individual stories

  • May 24, 2017By Cody Dulis

    This is the fifth installment in the Pride Poems series. This poem focuses on the color green and what it represents. This poem is about nature and the endless cycle and connectivity of life. From the depths of the earth Comes life, and holds death Cradling existence in dirt Held by an invisible force From
