
Tell ‘Em How You Really Feel

August 5, 20176 min read

Trigger warning: police

I am a strong believer in that there is always more to be said and more to discover. I believe that there is always a connection behind something. Police are an institution pushed by racism. It is unacceptable to be able to put a badge on and be systematically through the judicial branch protected. This protection enables the police institution to target and murder people of color. As one should logically assume, that does not set well with people of color. So from the words of N.W.A.: “Well, won’t you tell everybody what the f**k you gotta say?”


More fathers in ditches

More blind witness

Minding they business

Not facing facts when the defendant claims threatened

Take off the badge and suit from the video

Phillando Castile’s murder is Latino,

Sentences upon sentences for him,

But once he gets belt and badge it offers protection for corrupt operations of a racist judicial system I mean it’s no coincidence that a jury of your peers is selected by people who appear unfamiliar

Cops getting acquitted doesn’t make up for fathers and baby boys missing,

Cops who murder and get acquitted still find business,

But a brotha with a felony for trying to pay for his daughter’s food can’t find no income except from coke runs and crack spots,

Same shit that got him locked up but just look at this man’s backdrop,

Broken schools and sidewalks,

Get criticized for “unlivable living conditions” stop pretending like this ain’t y’all finished result of systematic planning and attack with oppression,

If it’s so awful then why don’t you fix it,

Instead of just displacing brothas and sistas,

Mass incarceration because they scared of a black and brown invasion of the plans, they made it so we never had a chance but look at us coming up and working for our fam,

They afraid of a black and brown infestation,

That’s why they got,

Mass incarceration,

Legal home invasion,

Stop and frisk observation,

Jim Crow separation,

Black culture exploitation,

This for the people who cringe at “with liberty and justice for all”

Who know how the white man makes black and brown people fall,

Who walk into a room full of white people and feel as they back is against the wall,

Land of the Free,

Home of the Brave,

But yet cops killing brothas just to be safe.


Fuck tha police,

It’s no coincidence that

P o c

Is opposite of

C o p

Handcuffs and 9 millimeters

You can hear the pigs snort when they near

Feel their breath behind you ear

Fuck tha police

Skip the sentences

Kill the innocent


We are witnesses

Not threats

We are victims

Not terrorists

We the only ones who feel the power of a badge

Count how many weapons you got on you officer

How many of us have you overlooked

Or stopped and frisked because the way we looked

Don’t look now here come the sirens

Somehow I got tied in,

To a system and situation

He claimed he was threatened by the way we looked

He claim he needed to approach us armed,

The police say he had the right, because we were being too loud,

Silence our voices,

Silence the movement in our bodies

While I was talking to the police I saw her turn off her body camera

She watched my hands and not me,

Trying to fit all these struggles into a poem,

It doesn’t flow,

It doesn’t even show the battle,

Trying to fit all the struggles in a singular stanza,

Like 1.5 million brothers locked behind cages


I got a problem solver

And that bih fully loaded

Chrome plate black revolver

Platinum plates up on my teeth properly molded

Bags of coke i sold it

But that was a past life

Past vice still needed present sacrifice

Why transit police got sirens

They just supposed to check tickets

But I have to get stopped and frisked

Ask me what my business is

Where come from and where I’m goin

Ask me if my shoes is stolen

Ice come around I’m getting frozen

And deported

Why transit police got pistols

Mine is fully loaded

If they want we can go toe toe and blow out they candles and wishes

Ounces of white up in that kitchen

Came a long way from dirty rags and styrofoam dishes

But police still ask for my ID and citizenship

And if I got a witness best believe they ain’t sayin shit

In front of an all white jury judging my prison sentence

Your’e best friends will turn to a witness

Steal some diapers for my baby judge I’m sorry

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